It Might Get Loud is an absorbing look at the creative minds behind three influential bands, Led Zeppelin, U2 and White Stripes (to a lesser degree, so far, The Raconteurs). Set up as a love letter to the electric guitar, the documentary spends time with Jimmy Page, Jack White and The Edge (David Howell Evans). The producers/director Thomas Tull and Davis Guggenheim have come up with a simple premise, put these three men in a studio (the size of an aircraft hanger) with guitars and lots of amps and see what comes out. The meeting of these musical minds, whose approach to the electric guitar are all distinct and conflicting, is a fan’s dream.
Thankfully the audience also gets to spend solo time with the musicians, discovering the whys and hows of their passions for music. We are introduced to each musician’s local habitat and influences. These men are all considered to be electric guitar virtuosos, with distinct visions of how music should and can be produced. How did they find their ‘sound’?