Monday, December 14, 2009


It is not often that a film hits you over the head with an atheist message (The Invention of Lying aside). This documentary follows American comedian, Bill Maher as he travels around America and to parts of Europe and the Middle East, interviewing religious people, trying to spread his message of religious scepticism and doubt.

There is a fundamental flaw that inhibits the success of Maher’s message: the people he interviews. Religulous’ interviews are not battles of theology, armed with comedic timing and wit; Maher is far better at expressing his argument than any of his interviewees. There is very much an imbalance of power in this documentary (outside of just the editing). Maher, a well-known satirist, is obviously very intelligent, his interviewees are mainly nutters the religious establishment want nothing to do with. Added to this is the experience of the man behind the camera, director Larry Charles (of BrĂ¼no and Borat fame), who is more than proficient at making people look like idiots. Using subjects like ‘Jesus’ from the theme park Holy Land and an ex Jew for Jesus, is indicative that this documentary is far more about comedy than religious probing.


click here to read my full review at Trespass